A downloadable study

De- and reconstructing a certain (probably trademarked) island, deep in the Caribbean.

That’s my excuse to create my first-ever map in a game engine.

It’s currently a mess, and the list of things desiring to get improved (and for many: improved a lot) is so long I will wonder if I will ever pursue this further. Also I discovered that on the original, there is little to see, which is quite a disappointment for walking it in first-person perspective … game design 101. Duh.

If you’re interested in the heightmap – find it below. The playable map itself is so boring I won’t bother to upload it until it is even remotely worth a download.


Island of Monkeys heightmap (16 bit PNG) 696 kB

Install instructions

This 16-bit grayscale heightmap can be used in terrain generators or some game engines to generate a landscape. Brighter shades indicate higher elevations, darker shades lower.

Development log

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